Global Permaculture Resources
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Children's Permaculture | Sustainability Curriculum, Lesson Plans and Resources
The world’s first online Permaculture Design Course for children! Students receive weekly lesson plans full of games, activities and personalized instruction. Children’s Permaculture Design Course: It’s not just a course, it’s a community!
Chrys' Permaculture Resource Archive
<p>Items of interest on a broad range of topics collected over many years. Searchable by using Table of Contents web page in the "000Resources-Table-of-Contents" folder.</p>
Global Earth Repair Foundation
The mission of the Global Earth Repair Foundation is to educate the public about earth repair, ecosystem restoration, carbon sequestration, regenerative agriculture and related disciplines. This will be accomplished by writings, website, workshops and conferences. The organization works at local, regional, national and international levels. The Foundation is about building a grass-roots, locally-managed, mass movement to regreen our Earth and recarbonize our soils.
Natural Resources Conservation Service's Web Soil Survey
Web Soil Survey is operated by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and provides access to the largest natural resource information system in the world. NRCS has soil maps and data available online for more than 95 percent of the nation’s counties.
Nontimber Forest Product Resources for Small Forestland Owners and Businesses
The purpose of this website is to provide information and tools to help advance commercial development of nontimber forest products (NTFPs) on small forestlands in the United States. For the purposes of this website, NTFPs are defined as all wild, wild-simulated, and cultivated native forest vegetation other than lumber and lumber industry by-products (e.g., industrial turpentine, plywood, sawdust, strand board).
Purdue University's New and Specialty Crop Index
Online since 1995, NewCROP (New Crops Resource Online Program) is an information-rich site related to crop plants.
Seasonal Tree Maintenance Plan for the Pacific Northwest
This guide is from from Urban Forest Pro. They provide tree pruning and tree planting in Portland and surrounding areas.
The Northeast Washington Permaculture Guild Facebook Page
The Permaculture Apprentice
The "Permaculture Apprentice" is a powerful information hub for permaculturists. William Horvath founded Permaculture Apprentice after growing frustrated by the lack of info about how, exactly, do people turn a profit from their permaculture work. The website seeks to answer these questions for its users:
How can I make the transition to a permaculture lifestyle?
How can I handle the financial insecurity that making the switch from a 9-5 job to a permaculture lifestyle may involve?
How do I start a profitable permaculture farm?
What should I do first with my property?
How do experienced ‘permies’ do it, and what are some proven models I can follow?