Welcome to the Inland Northwest Permaculture Guild

Inland Northwest Permaculture Guild

The Inland Northwest Permaculture Guild is a network of permaculture practitioners who inhabit a region of the northwestern U.S. between the Cascade Mountain Range and the Rocky Mountain Range. We host annual gatherings and operate this interactive website to facilitate communication among Guild members and between the Guild and the greater community to inform ourselves and others about the promise of permaculture.

"Regeneration Begins With You"

INPG Membership
only $35/year
Members may attend the annual convergence.

2024 INPC Poster


The Northeast Washington Permaculture Guild looks forward to hosting the 14th annual Inland Northwest Permaculture Convergence in Rice, WA next weekend!

Have a look at the tentative schedule of events which is subject to change. HERE

This gathering features several workshops and facilitators from permaculturists and experts from the Inland Northwest and further regions. Permaculture focuses on restoring local economies and local ecosystems, natural building, renewable energy, water harvesting, resilient communities, sharing information and having fun.

Some of the workshop facilitators and topics at the 2024 convergence include:

• Jason Smith - Mushrooms, Fungi and Mycelium

Chrys Ostrander - Gardening A-Z

Brad Ananda - JADAM Fermentation

• Gabriel Gaul – Companion Planting

Kevin Froggiey and Starla Mulder – Vermiculture

Joe Bass - Xeritypic High-Latitude Permaculture

Jessica Spurr - Plant Walk and Discussion

• Tom Aeschleman - Fermentation Demonstration

Dianna Michaels - Green Cleaning

• Panel discussion on Electroculture

• Several children's activities with Bridgette, Marc, Mark, Jason, Caite and more

• Cobb-making and other hands-on activities

• Trade circles, Equinox ceremony, potluck meals, live music, drum circles and more!

Primitive camping is available and car camping is available but limited. Limited space for camping in sheltered buildings is available. Water and electricity are also available but limited.

We will be sharing food for meals so please bring something pre-made to share or you can prepare it before the meal.

If you have any information or skills to share with the group, bring it and we'll provide a space for sharing.


- $35 annual INPG Membership fee (INPG Members attend the convergence for free)

- $50 for all 3 days, includes shared meals and camping

- $15 Day Fee

- $20 Camping for weekend

- Children are free



Plate/Bowl/Utensils/Water bottle

Apples to press and clean jugs to take some cider home in

Primitive camping supplies

Food for self and for meal sharing

Information/Skills to share

Location is at 2332A Scott Rd. Rice, WA 99167

Call Gabe for questions and arrangements at (509)738-2087


View all the photos from the 2023 Northeast Washington Mushroom Festival.



Other News and Past Events


Mush Fest Poster


The 2nd annual Northeast Washington Mushroom Festival is a free family-friendly event to celebrate the life of fungi on May 11th, 2024 at the Happy Dell Park in Kettle Falls, WA from 9am - 8pm . This fun and educational event will have many activities such as a mushroom foray hunt and contest, mushroom culinary contest, mushroom and fungi identification table, presentations, demonstrations, expert mycologists, children's activities, over 40 vendors, live music, art and costume contests and much more! More information and registration is available at www.childrenofearthcoalition.com/new-mushroom-festival.html#/ 


Sasquatch Poster


The ninth annual Sasquatch Family Reunion camp-out is a four-day global gathering for people of all ages, races and creeds. The earthkeepers that host this gathering support a spiritual and ecological approach to healing ourselves, our planet and our collective consciousness. This event includes sharing circles, workshops, ceremonies and meditations, music/song circles, swap shops and trade circles, community meals, and many opportunities to learn and socialize with nature and kindred spirits. More information and registration is available at www.sasquatchfamilyreunion.com 

Herbal Faire Poster


The Spokane Herbal Faire is June 29 - 30, 2024 from 10am - 4pm at the West Central Mission in Spokane, WA. The herbal faire support home herbalists, promotes the culture of herbalism to the Spokane community via education, vendors and a socially engaging platform. More information is available at https://www.spokaneherbalfaire.org/

Montana Herbal Festival
August 17-18, 2024

Gerald W. Marks Exploration Center & Rocky Mountain Gardens
in Missoula, Montana

ᐧ Classes ᐧ Demos ᐧ Plant Walks ᐧ Music ᐧ Art ᐧ Marketplace

The Montana Herbal Festival is an annual gathering in Missoula, Montana dedicated to the exchange of herbal knowledge, fostering connections with native plant medicines, and promoting respectful stewardship of our environment.

For more Info: https://mtherbalfest.org/

Seed Swaps!

Hopefully by now you've had a chance to think about what seeds you'll be sowing this year, whether literally or figuratively.  Seed swaps are a great way to connect and share with your neighbors far and wide and come away with some interesting varieties of seeds!  


We have held several seed swaps throughout the inland northwest, from Colville Washington to Hot Springs Montana, repeating and creating annual traditions.


So many seeds were shared and new friends were made.  Look out for more seed swaps coming up, including... 


The Plant, Seed and Root Exchange

Happening in Kettle Falls, WA in April 1st. FOR FREE, COME JOIN THE FUN!!



Rocket Mass Heater workshop 

Location: Uhuru friday, March 31st hands on prep 10-6

sat.  April 1st,  2-6 potluck, 6ish  

sun. April 2nd 11-4 potluck 2ish 

Workshop is $50 per day or bring some one $40.00 per person/ already a annual member $25.00 per day.  We also have work trade and scholarships available. 


Stevens County Farm Barter Faire

Check out this drop tailgate family friendly event. Come network and trade with locals who are interested in the same things as you.
Check out their Facebook Group


Northwest Wildcrafters Rendezvous

May 26-28

Mazama, Washington

Methow Valley, North Cascades
Contact Skeeter at friendsofthetrees@yahoo.com



INPG Permaculture Design Course JULY 17th-31st

Your Board and friends are working hard to bring you a high quality PDC this summer.  Organizing this two-week educational retreat is well under way.  Check out the website for more information and please help us spread the word by telling your friends and printing the PDC posters (link) and hanging them around your community.


Convergence 2023!

Planning for our next convergence is also still in the works!  This year the convergence will be held in Rice, WA at Uhuru, an off-grid permaculture community and homestead.  Stay tuned for more details, print our poster and share with your community.

Work Parties!

Help us get Uhuru ready for all of these great upcoming events!  We will be having work parties April 7th thru 9th, May 25th and 26th and June 9th and 10th.  Contact us if you're interested. zone1@inlandnorthwestpermaculture.com


Permaculture Law

INPG is seeking attorneys willing to help with permaculture matters, anything from family law, land tenure, environmental law and anything in between.  If you or someone you know practices law or is familiar with the legal world and wants to be involved please let us know! zone1@inlandnorthwestpermaculture.com


Interns, Apprentices, Prospective Members Wanted

1) Uhuru is looking for an intern or apprentice.  Come learn about permaculture while doing the work!  Uhuru is an off-grid permaculture homestead in Rice, WA.  Contact Gabe Gaul for inquiries, fungipermastead@gmail.com.

2) Bezaleel Israel Eco-Village - "Come Visit, Maybe Stay."

The Bezaleel Israel Eco-Village in northeast Washington is open to new members-- folks who want to do permaculture short or long term and help establish a permanent permaculture land trust or folks who just want to visit and lend a hand. More details at bzfarm.org

3) Casler Farm West (A Wanna-Be Permaculture Center ) Is seeking a property manager. Application form here:  https://forms.gle/HG9QFS4MXhqzLeAt8



Spokane Garden Expo
May 13
Skeeter (Michael Pilarski) and Jessica Spurr are having a booth at the Expo to promote permaculture and Skeeter is giving a talk on Landscaping with Fragrant, Multi-Purpose Plants.

Northwest Herbal Fair
June 8 - 11, Skalitude Retreat Center in the Methow Valley.

Spokane Herbal Faire
June 24 & 25
7th Annual Spokane Herbal Faire! Fundraiser for Herbalists Without Borders International


Are there any other events we need to know about in  our communities?  Let us know!  As always, we invite and welcome you to join our team and become more involved in whatever unique ways you feel called to contribute. Thank you!

 Happy gardening from the I.N.P.G.


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The Inland Northwest Permaculture Guild is a network of permaculture practitioners who inhabit a region of the northwestern U.S. between the Cascade Mountain Range and the Rocky Mountain Range. We host annual gatherings and operate this interactive website to facilitate communication among Guild members and between the Guild and the greater community to inform ourselves and others about the promise of permaculture.


Feeding the roots of regenerative systems.
Cultivating bioregional exchange networks.
Bringing families & friends together for 12 years.


only $35/year


We are working to explore possibilities for a positive future through outreach, restoration, and research.

Some of the Earth's greatest landscapes are threatened by increased road construction, oil and gas exploration, and mining.

We aim to protect these areas from inappropriate development, but we cannot achieve our goals alone. Find out how you can help.


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