
Inland Northwest Permaculture Guild

The Inland Northwest Permaculture Guild is a network of permaculture practitioners who inhabit a region of the northwestern U.S. between the Cascade Mountain Range and the Rocky Mountain Range. We host annual gatherings and operate this interactive website to facilitate communication among Guild members and between the Guild and the greater community to inform ourselves and others about the promise of permaculture.

"Regeneration Begins With You"

2024 winter solstice INPG newsletter

Greetings and thank you for your interest in INPG matters.

Well, we've had yet another a successful year throwing multiple small and larger events pertaining to permaculture education in the inland northwest.  Permaculturists have moved in and out of the bioregion - fruit trees trees have been bulldozed and planted, the cycle goes on.  Seed swaps, educational events, permablitzes, conferences.  And we're excited to tell you we'll be back for more!

If anyone wants to get their name on the promotional material, now is the time to sponsor the Northeast Washington Mushroom Festival on May 3rd in Kettle Falls, Washington

Stay tuned for the following spring events:

1/25/25: Seed Faire

Join us at the Kettle Falls Library from 11am – 3pm for a Free the Seeds event featuring seed swaps and gardening presentations. Learn, share, and grow your gardening knowledge!

2/7/25: Seed Exchange

Visit the Colville Library from 2pm – 5pm for a community seed exchange. Bring seeds to share and find something new to plant this season!

3/29/25: Agroforester’s Council + Orchard Session

Central Boundary County, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm, 10 minutes north of town. Take an in-depth guided tour of a developing agroforestry site, covering ponds, farm earthwork projects, and forest/tree crop systems. Following provided lunch break, participate in an orchard work session to earn apple-picking/cider-pressing credits for autumn. RSVP at

4/19/25: Farm Barter in Chewelah

From 8am – 2pm, trade produce, homemade goods, or services at this lively marketplace. Discover new connections and refresh the old - connect with your local farming community.
Farm Barter Facebook Group

5/3/25: Northeast Washington Mushroom Festival

- All Day - Join us for our largest event of the year in Kettle Falls, celebrating all things Fungi.  Mushroom hunting, art contests, vending, prizes, mushrooms, and fun for all ages.

5/16 – 5/18/25: Spring Barter Faire

 - Tonasket Washington area - The well known weekend-long event filled with trading, live music, and family-friendly activities. Bring your goods to barter and enjoy the springtime community spirit in mid may in the Okanogan.

Stay tuned further yet for the announcement of September dates of our flagship event,
the annual Inland Northwest Permaculture Convergence.
The 15th year!  

Here's re-cap of this past year's 2024 Inland Northwest Permaculture Convergence at Uhuru in Rice, Washington:

Thank you to everyone that came out and supported the 14th annual Inland Northwest Permaculture Convergence at Uhuru  Intentional Community this last weekend! There were so many high vibes and helpful and knowledgeable people from throughout Washington, Idaho and Montana come out to share their skills and knowledge with us on how we can all do our part to live more sustainable lives and to practice Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share principles of permaculture.

We ended the convergence on the Autumnal Equinox on Sunday, honored the Four Directions, the plants and animals that fed us throughout the weekend and the people and spirit of community while we feasted on natural and deliciously prepared potluck meals. Special thanks to all of our workshop presenters and everyone that participated in the hands-on activities throughout the weekend.

We are delighted and dedicated to continue to gather and share knowledge, information and love with all of life and are grateful for the opportunity to gather once again with kindred spirits that support equality, community, harmony, cooperation and oneness.

Did anyone take any photos of events from the year?  Any seed swap, mushroom festival, work party or convergence photos?  Please send them to us. 

A quick note on INPC 2026  -  We are looking for a new site for the 16th annual INPC (2026).  The first several INPCs were at different sites but the last 8 have been on a 3 year cycling pattern between Washington, Idaho and Montana. 

The 15th gathering is at Uhuru, and Montana is the place we would move back to on this rotation.  Are there any places in NW Montana you recommend or anyone interested in hosting the convergence?  Anyone interested?

Go here for information about the 2024 Inland Northwest Permaculture Convergence.

At the October Okanogan Family Barter Faire, we had an outstanding time with a great presentation on mushrooms. We had a nice booth with full display, 2 tables of mushrooms, a lot of flyers and information handed out, and a full page of sign up info written down.

 On the whole, we had a successful 2024 year and are grateful to all who contributed.  May your winter be cheerful and warm.  We look forward to the next one ready to kick off with momentum.


For more info, connect with Gabe - or Kelly -

For anyone interested in finding out more about future events and getting involved with the Inland Northwest Permaculture Guild and/or the more local Northeast Washington Permaculture Guild, please send us a message or visit

 This Newsletter is distributed electronically by the Inland Northwest Permaculture Guild Newsletter Service.

Please consider donating to the Inland Northwest Permaculture Guild at the amount you can afford.


Thank you!