To cultivate a global community for the advancement of ecological agriculture, where farmers, educators, and advocates can come together for information exchange, education and outreach.
A Growing Culture
All Plant Genera
American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association
The Mission of the American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association is to promote sustainable rainwater harvesting practices to help solve potable, nonpotable, stormwater and energy challenges throughout the world.
Appropedia is for collaborative solutions
in Sustainability. Appropriate technology and Poverty Reduction.Users are welcome to add to and edit Appropedia.
Appropedia is the site to find, co-create and improve the solutions we need. View vision and mission.
Appropedia - Sharing knowledge to build rich, sustainable lives.
Appropedia is for collaborative solutions in sustainability, appropriate technology and poverty reduction. All are welcome to add to and edit Appropedia, to find, co-create and improve the solutions we need. Contributors have made 210,035 edits and uploaded 15,997 files. Browse their categories or all 36,428 pages (as of 07-19-2012).
Children's Permaculture | Sustainability Curriculum, Lesson Plans and Resources
The world’s first online Permaculture Design Course for children! Students receive weekly lesson plans full of games, activities and personalized instruction. Children’s Permaculture Design Course: It’s not just a course, it’s a community!
Chrys' Permaculture Resource Archive
Items of interest on a broad range of topics collected over many years. Searchable by using Table of Contents web page in the "000Resources-Table-of-Contents" folder.
Columbine’s School of Botanical Studies Herbalism Pages
Compiled List of Plant Databases and Species Lists
This is the rough beginning of a comprehensive list, on the Inland Northwest Permaculture Guild website, of existing, web-based plant databases and species lists.
Free Online Open Course Botany Classes
Global Earth Repair Foundation
The mission of the Global Earth Repair Foundation is to educate the public about earth repair, ecosystem restoration, carbon sequestration, regenerative agriculture and related disciplines. This will be accomplished by writings, website, workshops and conferences. The organization works at local, regional, national and international levels. The Foundation is about building a grass-roots, locally-managed, mass movement to regreen our Earth and recarbonize our soils.
Health Canada Single Ingredient Monographs
A monograph is a written description of particular elements on an identified topic. Single ingredient monographs apply to formulations containing only one medicinal ingredient. A lot of herbs here.
Herbalism in the Digital Age: Free Online Resources
Herbs at a Glance
Herbs at a Glance is a series of brief fact sheets that provides basic information about specific herbs or botanicals—common names, what the science says potential side effects and cautions
Herbs at a Glance is a series of brief fact sheets that provides basic information about specific herbs or botanicals—common names or you can download all entries as an eBook.
How to Make Homemade JADAM Microbial Solution
By @GrowingwiththeGriffins
Index to American Botanical Literature
Inexpensive Plant Tissue Analysis from Dairy One
Plant tissue analysis is a good way to determine soil nutrient composition and nutrient availability to plants. This company provides this service at low cost. Take note of which plants are accepted for testing.
Inexpensive Soil Testing for Heavy Metals
The University of Massachusetts at Amherst provides low-cost soil testing, but unlike many testing services, they include testing for heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Ni, Cr) as part of their standard soil test. This is important, especially in cases where food crops are to be grown in urban settings or other settings where environmental or industrial pollution may have compromised the soil.
Journey to Forever
Journey to Forever is a pioneering expedition by a small, mobile NGO (Non-Government Organization) involved in environment and rural development work, starting from Hong Kong and travelling 20,000 kilometres through 26 countries in Asia and Africa to Cape Town, South Africa. The site is home to a treasure trove of information.
Learning Plant Families